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Offering Voluntary Self-Exclusion for Gambling Problems

Gambling can be a serious problem for many people. It stops becoming a fun game and develops into an addiction that threatens your financial and personal livelihood. If you have a gambling addiction, getting help can be difficult to ask for because it means you must sever yourself from gambling sites and learn to live without the habit. J. Bottom & Associates in New Westminster, Port Coquitlam, and North Vancouver can help you free yourself from in-person and online gambling with voluntary self-exclusion. We provide the professional support you need to overcome it day-by-day. The financial strain and devastation that can result from a gambling addiction may include debt issues, repossession of your car, home foreclosure, and other losses. Your marriage, family, and other aspects of your personal life can also suffer and lead to lost friendships, estrangement, and even divorce. If you’re seeking a solution on how to stop gambling and restore your life, voluntary self-exclusion can help you break the habit and regain control. Reach out to us to learn more about how we can help you with problems like online gambling in Canada.

A man got fed up at Westminster, BC.

How Does Voluntary Self-Exclusion Work?

This method of breaking a gambling addiction helps you regain control when you’re having difficulties with secession. In a voluntary self-exclusion (VSE) program, you get the opportunity to exclude yourself from online gambling and gambling facilities on a voluntary basis. This can last for as long as you need to work through your addiction, whether you need to separate yourself for just one year, two years, or even three years. The options for our VSE include three possible scenarios, and you can participate in one or more of them to cover your specific needs. You can exclude yourself from gambling facilities with slot machines, which include racetrack gaming floors, community gaming centres, and casinos. The program can also exclude facilities that offer bingo, such as commercial bingo halls, casinos, and community gaming centres. Online gambling is another concern that the VSE program considers, so we also help you with voluntary exclusion from gambling on If you’re participating in self-exclusion from any gambling facility, you will be ineligible to gamble on for as long as you’re in the program, which may involve closing your already existing account.

Enrolling in VSE to Deal with Your Gambling Addiction

To enroll in the voluntary self-exclusion program, simply get in touch with J. Bottom & Associates Ltd. and speak with a staff member about starting the program. We’ll make sure your exclusion starts as soon as possible to get you on track to recovery from in-person and online gambling. During enrollment, our team will guide you through the steps and clearly explain all that the program entails and how to each step will help break your addiction. During your participation in the VSE program, you’ll receive professional guidance and support as we advise you. A security staff member will also ask you for government-issued identification, take your picture, and have you sign the agreement for voluntary self-exclusion. If necessary, you can extend the program or re-enroll in it by contacting us and sign a new agreement that specifies the exclusionary period’s length and type. We’ll inform you of all the details of the program, and we can help you find support for your daily addiction struggles.

What Happens After Enrolling in the VSE Program?

After you’ve signed all the forms, the voluntary self-exclusion program begins immediately and continues non-stop for the selected time. After this program starts, you cannot change the duration or stipulations that you agreed to and signed to participate. Once your exclusion period starts, we distribute your provided information to the security offices at all applicable gaming facilities to make sure you adhere to your commitment. If you have an existing online gaming account, that will be closed, and you won’t be able to gamble online. We also give you the opportunity to give your consent for a gambling support professional to contact you free of charge. You typically have a better chance of success at regaining and managing control over your addiction if you reach out for support or take part in counseling during your self-exclusion.

Get Help to Manage Your Self-Exclusion

You are ultimately responsible for your self-exclusion, and it’s up to you to honour your commitment to the program. When you sign the agreement, you accept responsibility for your gambling addiction. J. Bottom & Associates Ltd. is here to offer support during your voluntary self-exclusion period, and we encourage you to seek additional support. While your exclusion is ongoing, if you break your enrolment and enter a gambling facility, you’ll be escorted out and may also be charged with an offence in accordance with the Gaming Control Act that could cost you up to a $5,000 fine. Fortunately, there are many resources available to get support during your enrolment period. For instance, you can take advantage of a relapse prevention program. You can get further information about this program at, or you can call the BC Gam Info Line 24 hours a day, seven days a week, at 1-888-795-6111. For more information about voluntary self-exclusion to break your gambling addiction, we invite you to contact us today.


We Help You Break the Cycle