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Interested in Filing a Consumer Proposal in Vancouver, BC?
Our Consumer Proposal Experts Have Solutions
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Curious About Consumer Proposals in Vancouver, BC?
The Debt Relief Experts at J. Bottom & Associates Ltd. Can Help
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Learn the Facts About Debt Consolidation Loans
It’s easy to fall into debt, especially if your income can’t keep up with your expenses.…
Our Experts Explain the Ins and Outs of Consumer Proposal Payments
Are you struggling to repay your debts? Creditors can take drastic measures to…
Our Experts Explain What CRA Looks for in a Consumer Proposal
If you owe a tax debt to the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) and you’re unable to pay…
Our Experts Explain How a Consumer Proposal Can Break the Debt Cycle
Are you struggling to pay off unsecured debt? Rest assured that many debt…
Our Experts Explain the Costs Associated with Filing a Consumer Proposal
If you’re struggling to pay off unsecured debt, you may be interested in…
Our Financial Experts Explain Consumer Proposals and Tax Debt
Do you owe a tax debt to the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA)? Whether you’re an…
Will My Consumer Proposal Affect My Spouse?
Our Financial Experts Provide Insight
If you’re exploring different financial relief options and…
What Happens After Filing a Consumer Proposal?
The Consumer Proposal Completion Process
Are you wondering what happens after you file a consumer…